if you got mostly A's:

you aren't very much weird and desgusting, probably more of the opposite. you would probably be more interesting if you were a little bit weird and desgusting though. you dont like being weird either. for you, being weird is infact....... weird!!!

if you got mostly B's:

you are half and half for being weird and desgusting. if someone were to ask you to do something weird, you would have to think about it. but other times, of course you will do it!! but for other times, you might not want to at all. you don't like to be too weird and desgusting though.

if you got mostly C's:

you are almost all the time weird and desgusting!!! sometimes people might think you are kind of weird and they wont want to hang out with you because of your weirdness... but thats not bad,  that's what makes you unique!!!


i will give you the points for each letter on each question.

Q:1. A=3 B=1 C=2

Q:2. A=1 B=2 C=3

Q:3. A=1 B=3 C=2

Q:4. A=3 B=1 C=2

Q:5. A=2 B=3 C=1

Q:6. A=1 B=3 C=2

if you got between 6-10:

i hate to break it to you, but you are not the jokester type. you need to start watching some movies with jokes in it. your frineds probably dont even like the jokes you come up with. but who really cares  if your funny or not? it's not a bad thing not to be funny, but you should try to work on being a little more funny. 

if you got between 11-14

you are sometimes funny, but not all the time. once in a while you will make a stupid joke that no one will laugh at. but maybe sometimes you willmake a joke that gets everyone laughing. you might not be the school clown, but at least you're somewhat funny.

if you got between 15-18

you are the jokester!!! most likely you are the school clown, and can make everyone and anyone laugh at your jokes!! this makes you very unique, and from this you probably have lots of friends or will get lots of friends!


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