About the Quiz page: Hello, this is the quiz page. This is a page where you answer some questions to a quiz, then go to the answers page to figure out your personnality, exc. There might be some quizes you might want to try. when you get done with ur quiz, go to the "answers to quizes" page. i will keep trying to make more quizes when i come up with them. but for now, i hope you enjoy the quizes i made for you. the quizes will be numbered. you might wanna right it down on paper so you know what you got on the answer page. Or you can try the quizes above.



 Q:1. which would you rather do??

A. nothing!

B. pick my nose in front of someone and then lick my finger

C. drink my pee

Q:2. which would sound more interesting and fun to do?

A. to have milk come out my nose

B. make someone pee their pants

C. lick my armpit, (if possible).

Q:3. what kind of movie would sound more interesting?

A. a gore movie

B. a gay people movie

C. a people that can do weird and odd things movie

Q:4. someone asks you if you would lick your armpit in front of lots of poeple. (pretend you could.)

A. no way! people would think im a freak!

B. umm... i dont know....

C. yah! that would be so fun!!

Q:5. do you think u r weird and desgusting??

A. i dont think i am.

B. i dont know, maybe sometimes.

C. yah, and i love it!!!

Q:6. what do you think about the funny and weird people page?

A. i think its desgusting!!

B. some were funny...

C. that was awesome!!!

Make sure you have wrote down your answers on a piece of paper. now go to the answers to quizes page to quiz 1 and figure out how weird and desgusting you really are.

2.  HOW MUCH OF A JOKESTER  ARE YOU?? (on this quiz, be honest!!!)

Q:1. do people usually laugh at your jokes? (be honest.)

A. of course!!!

B. not really i guess..

C. no, every joke i make im the only one that laughs!!

Q:2. where do you get your jokes from?

A. i get my jokes from my parents!

B. i get my jokes from t.v.

C. my funny self of course!!

Q:3. on percentage, what do you say about comedy movies?

A. around 10-35%

B. around 70-100%

C. around 40-65%

Q:4. do you like to laugh?

A. yah, all the time i laugh!!

B. not really, it kind of makes me gag.

C. sometimes.

Q:5. which would u rather be when you grow up?

A. a clown

B. a comedian

C. a meteoroligists

Q:6. hurry, PICK!!!

A. icecream!!

B. flying icecream cone!!

C. monkey peaches!!

Make sure you write down your answers on a paper, so you wont forget it. go to the answer page, and follow the directions and figure out if you're a jokester, or a chokester!!! make sure to go to the "answers to quiz 2."




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